Easily compress images online within a few seconds
Reduce the size of your images without sacrificing its quality
Upload your file
Drag & Drop
Upload a maximum of 15 images that are 10MB or less
Drag and drop the images you want to compress in the space provided above.
Conversely, click upload, find the file with your images, select the right ones, and upload.
The image compressor will start working automatically.
When the progress bar is complete, you can download your image files and store on your device.
Privacy guaranteed
We’re all a little more sensitive to our privacy these days and we get it. Any image uploaded to our free tool is deleted within an hour after you compress them.
It works fast
You have things to do, we get it. Our image compressor works quickly so you’re able to get on with the things that matter. It shouldn’t take more than a few seconds per batch.
Operating system doesn’t matter
Our image compressor is a cloud based application which means you don’t have to download any software to use it. The only requirement is that your browser is supported. Chrome, Mozilla, and IE should work fine.
Dead simple to use
You’ve made it to this page which means you know how to use a computer and the internet. Using our image compressor is even easier than that.
There are many reasons you’d want to compress image files. It’s possible that they’re taking up too much space on your hard drive but that’s unlikely unless you’re a photographer.
The most common reason for compressing images is to optimize them for the web. Online, the larger a web page is, the slower it loads. This can have a direct impact on your revenue and the ability to build an engaged audience.
On top of that, search engines reward websites that are fast and if your website is having trouble loading large images, it will be indirectly penalized. To avoid that, compress your images as much as possible.