Easily convert PNG to JPG and JPEG files in moments

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Upload a maximum of 15 images that are 10MB or less

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How to convert PNG to JPG online with our free tool


Locate and open the file folder where the images you’d like to convert from PNG to JPG are located.


Select up to 15 images, drag them into the upload area above, and drop them.


You can also click the “browse” option and open the folder that contains the images you’d like to convert to JPG, and select them.


After uploading the files you want to use, choose the output format and start the conversion process.


It will start and will only take a few seconds.


Download your newly converted JPG or JPEG files.

Privacy guaranteed

Privacy is one of the most important things online and we take yours seriously. All of your uploaded images are deleted within an hour after you navigate away from the page or start a new conversion.

Rapid JPG conversions

You have things to do, we get it. Our PNG to JPG converter works quickly so you’re able to get on with the things that matter. It shouldn’t take more than a few seconds per batch.

Compatible with all operating systems

Since our tool lives in the cloud, you don’t have to download any software. As long as the browser is supported our PNG to JPG converter will be able to get the job done.

Dead simple to use

You’ve made it to this page which means you know how to use a computer and the internet. Using our JPG to PNG converter is even easier than that.

Why would you want to change PNG to JPG?

PNG images are made from bitmapped or raster images. They were first developed to replace the GIF image format, have lossless compression, and support a transparent background. They’re also considerably larger than the same JPG image.

When you’re creating content for the web, it’s important that your pages load fast. When you use heavy images (ie PNG files), it can slow your website down to a crawl. That results in a poor user experience and more people abandoning your website.

Unless you’re a brand that needs to share high-quality images, you’re better off using JPG files for your website. If you need to keep your PNG files, check out our free image compressor.

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